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dc.contributor.authorProf. Ganu, Daniel
dc.descriptionReview Articleen_US
dc.description.abstractOverweight and obesity are as a result of energy imbalance between energy consumed and energy expended. Diet-related noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, and diabetes have resulted largely due to lack of balance and moderation in our habit towards nutrition. The objective of this special issue or paper is to raise awareness of the critical issue of balance and moderation in our diet habits. The methodology adopted for this special issue was literature search on the topic examined. There is a large body of researches that showed that healthy eating patterns (moderation and balance in eating) and regular physical activity can enhance good health and reduce the risk of communicable diseases throughout all stages of the lifespan. If there could be some amount of discipline or self-control such that people can put into practice some level of balance and moderation in their eating habits, obesity, overweight, and non-communicable diseases could also be lowered.en_US
dc.titleNutritional Balance and Moderation: A Crucial Way of Lifeen_US

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