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dc.contributor.authorMpofu, Cremmar
dc.descriptionFull Text Thesisen_US
dc.description.abstractThe test of Abraham has generated much debate among scholars with some espousing that Abraham was lying to his servants when he talked about worshipping and coming back with Isaac instead of telling the truth that he was going to sacrifice the child. Some have seen this as a parable. They do not see how God could require such a thing. Some have considered Abraham as a murderer and a worshiper of idols like the Canaanites since this was practised by idolaters. God intended to see through the reactions of Abraham if he honoured and loved God more than Isaac, his only son. His near sacrifice of Isaac demonstrated his honour and loyalty to God. He was a true worshiper of God. After a careful study of Gen 22, has shown that the clauseִֽוְנ ִֽ ְש ַּת ֲח ֶ֖וה (weništahăweh) generally means ‘and we will bow down,’ before God it means we will worship. But in the context of Gen 22, it could mean honouring or worshipping God through the offering of burnt sacrifice. As the smoke ascends it symbolises the ascent of the souls of worshipers toward God. Therefore, Abraham’s use of ִֽוְנ ְש ַּת ֲח ֶ֖וה weništaháweh is in agreement with the instruction of God as shown in Micah 6:7-8.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipAUA Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.publisherAdventist University of Africa, Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.subjectGenesis 22:5en_US
dc.titleAn exegetical study of weništahăweh in Genesis 22:5en_US

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