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dc.contributor.authorNdaruhekeyo, Isacka Vitus
dc.descriptionFull Text Projecten_US
dc.description.abstractThe Problem The Bachu Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church has experienced rapid growth of membership among young people, but unfortunately these young people were not taught enough regarding their responsibilities in the church and lifestyle issues. At the same time that a large number of young people were joining the Bachu SDA Church, another group were leaving the church or becoming non-participating observers. In the second quarter of 2015 Bachu SDA Church had 420 church members of which 75% were youth. Of that group, 25% were in some way active, 68% were non-participating observers, and approximately 7% were leaving the church per year. This problem led the researcher to examine the causes and recommend a solution. The Method A program for youth was designed and implemented through the following: 1. Reforming the Youth Department 2. Training a. Topic I Youth as Stewards b. Topic II Overcoming Self Battle (Rom 7:19, 20, 24, 25) 3. Youth Need-Based Programs a. Restarting Monthly Third Sabbath Programs (MTSP) b. Youth Witnessing Program at Ilolangulu (YWPI) c. Youth Witnessing Program at Umanda (YWPU) d. 28 Church Fundamental Beliefs Seminar (CFBS) e. Improving Youth Worship Program Involvement (IYWPI) f. Church Toilet Building Program (CTBP) g. Revival and Reformation Program (RRP) h. Church Leadership Seminars (CLS) i. Church Leadership Election Program (LEP) j. House to House Visitation Program (HHVP) The Outcome Reforming the Adventist Youth (AY) and Ambassadors worked as the medium to assist the nurturing of Bachu youth that resulted in 60% of AY and Ambassadors involvement in church leadership activities. Seventy percent (70%) of youth became involved in the church schedule for different services. Leadership seminars helped the Bachu youth by equipping 50% of the youth with the knowledge and skills of local church leadership. Also using need-based programs led to an increase of youth participation in church from 60% to 85%.Fellowship programs in the church through different small groups like choir and youth committees enabled 75% of youth to have good relationships and social interactions with their fellow youth in the church. And lastly, the visitation program helped 52% of the youth to acknowledge the importance of being active in the church.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipAUA Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.publisherAdventist University of Africa, Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.subjectSDA Youth -- Nurturingen_US
dc.subjectTanzania -- Bachu Districten_US
dc.titleAn approach to nurturing youth at the Bachu Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bachu District, Western Tanzania Conferenceen_US

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