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dc.contributor.authorOtieno, Ogayo Luka
dc.descriptionFull Text Projecten_US
dc.description.abstractIn my pastoral ministry as a church pastor, I have observed the lukewarm condition among members of Dudi Seventh-day Adventist church. Such a lifestyle has given rise to nominalism which has hindered joyful worship services, sincerity and faithfulness among members of this church. This realization motivated the researcher to develop a Bible-based strategy to enhance Christian lifestyle of nominal Christians in the Dudi Seventh-day Adventist Church. The researcher was motivated by the two views which are: working for God and having a living relationship with Him. Since these two values were evidenced in the lives of Martha and Mary respectively, the response Jesus gave in regard to these worshippers repudiates not only a mere outward expression of working for God, but also an intimate relationship with Him. At the same time such an intimacy must be expressed in a believer’s outward activities including regular church attendance, liberal giving for God’s course, caring for other peoples’ needs and other good works done in appreciation for the free salvation given on the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The end results are new birth in Christ and converted hearts whose effects are seen in the actions of the beholders as Jesus allegorically compares such a lifestyle with the wind as indicated in John 3:8. The same strategy is expected to capture attention of every believer who expresses outward faith in a nominal sense but denies a lifestyle that is in harmony with the biblical precepts. Church leadership in the Adventist movement is also expected to revitalize its system to the biblical tone without wavering so as to show out the right path. Since the call to live according to God’s Word embodies everyone under the sun, there is a dire need to shun nominalism and embrace the will of God that bears a keynote for safety into the kingdom.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipAUA Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.publisherAdventist University of Africa, Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.subjectChurch members -- Christian lifestyleen_US
dc.subjectKenya -- Dudien_US
dc.titleA strategy to enhance christian lifestyle of nominal Christians in Dudi SDA church, Kenyaen_US

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