Developing a peer counseling team for the Adventist Youth in Ongata Rongai District of Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Nairobi Station, Kenya
The youth in Ongata Rongai Pastoral District are highly influenced by their
peers to engage in negative activities which are self defeating and therefore a team of
well trained youth peers counselors would change things round for the better.
After the study from the Bible, the writings of Ellen G. White and other
writers and after the collection of data in the Pastoral District, the researcher
developed a team of youth peer counselors who were trained to give and counsel to
their fellow youth who constitute more than seventy five percent (75%) of the total
church membership in the District.
The team was well chosen from among the best leaders in the youth ministry
in the seven churches in the Pastoral District. The training sessions began in January to June 2009. The team began with fourteen members but fifty percent (50%)
succeeded in completing the entire course.
The programme was a success in that we now have seven well trained young
people who will be used to give their services to the youth in the Pastoral District and
who will train others. Other youth in other church Districts will require this training
to encourage more youth to participate in this noble mission.