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dc.contributor.authorBotolo, Moffat Wonderson
dc.descriptionFull Text Projecten_US
dc.description.abstractThe work of retaining newly baptized members plays an important role in accomplishing Christ’s great commission. Jesus pointed to Himself as the real keeper of the Lord’s flock, “I am a good shepherd; I know my sheep and My sheep know me. My sheep listen to my voice” (John 10: 14–27). This is a powerful pastoral imagery embodied with a caring and retaining spirit. It is a joint effort between Christ and the Christian leaders. The purpose of this study was to design and implement a strategy for retaining newly baptized members in Lakeview and Ntcheu Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Central Malawi Conference. The study established factors for the loss of members and identified ways for retaining newly baptized members. Among the factors were: spiritual factors, social factors, economic factors and health factors. An evangelistic program that took six months (22nd November 2008–May 2009) was conducted at Lakeview and Ntcheu Seventh-day Adventist Churches. As a result of this program, 30 people were baptized in Lakeview Seventh-day Adventist Church and 40 people were baptized in Ntcheu Seventh- day Adventist Church. Only 2 people from Lakeview and 4 from Ntcheu left the church, representing 6.25 % and 10% respectively. Other benefits of the program were more involvement of the newly baptized members in church activities and in discipling others, and a spirit of unity between the old and newly baptized members through the welcome banquets. The extended doctrinal classes on church heritage helped the newly baptized members in the two churches to be grounded in their faith.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipAUA School of Postgraduate Studiesen_US
dc.publisherAdventist University of Africa, School of Postgraduate Studiesen_US
dc.subjectSDA members -- Retentionen_US
dc.subjectMalawi -- Inlakeview and Ntcheu SDA, Central Malawi conferenceen_US
dc.titleA strategy for retaining newly baptized members in Lake View and Ntcheu Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Central Malawi Conferenceen_US

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