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dc.contributor.authorNyarondia, Julius Mwaniki
dc.descriptionFull Text Projecten_US
dc.description.abstractThe great commission (Matt. 28:18-20) compels every believer to move with speed in order to take the gospel to the entire world. This is to prepare God’s people for the second advent of Christ. One of the main signs that will manifest before the coming of Jesus Christ is the spreading of the gospel to every creature on earth (Matt. 24:14) as a testimony to all nations. In addition, the Adventist believers have a divine obligation of taking the three angels’ message to those who dwell in every nation, tribe and people (Rev. 14:6-9). The idea is to warn the people living on earth of the coming judgment. However, many Christians have a negative attitude towards evangelizing Muslims. The assumption is that their destiny is already decided. Let’s not forget that Muslims are included in this category that needs to be taken into account in the propagation of this message, since they are also dear to God. The church needs to redouble its efforts in reaching out to the Muslim community around the globe starting with developing relations as an avenue.After an in-depth study of missionary approaches from the available materials including the Bible and the Holy Quran, it may be possible to establish a positive relationship between Christians and Muslims. This may help to reduce tension and animosity between Christians and Muslims in Garissa and consequently provide an avenue of reaching Muslims with the word of God. It is unbelievable that such an unfriendly environment has continued to be perpetuated in the name of ‘God’ by Christians and Muslims alike. In Garissa County, Christians and Muslims have lived in harmony for decades. However, there have been several incidents in the recent past where some youths claiming to be Muslims engaged in violate activities against the Christian community. Does it then imply that religion fuels enmity? This is the question this study will explore as a means of trying to get a solution to the perennial problem.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipAUA Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.publisherAdventist University of Africa, Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.subjectChristian Muslim Relationsen_US
dc.subjectKenya -- Garissa Countyen_US
dc.titleA strategy to develop Christian Muslim relations among the Somali Community in Garissa County North Eastern Kenyaen_US

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