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dc.contributor.authorAmankwah, Newman Osaforo-Adu
dc.descriptionFull Text Projecten_US
dc.description.abstractMuslims in Konongo-Odumasi have not been successfully reached by the local Seventh-day Adventists because the church preach and win many souls but they do not target Muslims. This study aims at designing a programme for AMO to reach out to S-TMs in Konongo-Odumasi through Fun Games. It will attempt to assess how best AMO can work carefully and cautiously on S-TMs in order to pave way for the propagation of the “Three Angels Messages” among S-TMs settlements without encountering the usual problems such as beating up Christian Evangelists in general as well as preventing Muslim members from being approached by Christian preachers. Three main events: Training AMO on how best to approach Muslims; Having Fun Games such as football, volleyball, tug of war, ludo, draught etc with our Muslim friends; and holding a-two week evangelistic meeting within the Muslim community will the modus operandi.In this study few key words are defined to make reading easier. These are: CANVASSER-is one who sells religious books as a way of spreading the good news about Jesus Christ. EVANGELIZE-is to preach or teach others about Christ. HADITH is Islamic traditions believed to be the sayings of Muhammad but not written in the Quran. “JIHAD”-is Islamic method of winning new people by letting them submit to Allah. MESSAGE PROPAGATION-is Spreading by telling many people one’s message. REACH OUT-Going out to preach, teach, discuss or share one’s faith with others who have not yet accepted the faith. It is my prayer that readers will find this research meaningful, interesting and understandable means to reach out to Muslims in order to tell them the "Three Angels Messages" in fulfilment of the gospel commission.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipAUA Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.publisherAdventist University of Africa, Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.subjectEvangelism -- Muslims evangelismen_US
dc.subjectGhana -- Konongo-Odumasi Municipalityen_US
dc.titleA strategy to evangelizing Sunni-tajaniyya Muslims in Konongo-odumasi municipality in Ghana through fun games with Adventist men's organizationen_US

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