A strategy for enabling widows in Nyamira and South Kenya Conferences to marry in accordance with the new testament teaching
Kwa ufupi
The Abagusii widows should marry according to the New Testament marriage
model, rather than marrying according to Abagusii traditional requirement of the
marriage of widows that is based on the levirate marriage type.
In achieving this concept, a scrutiny would be exercised in the Abagusii ethnicity,
to assess the perspectives of the proponents of the continuity of the people’s tradition,
and of those who advocate for the New Testament marriage model.
This concern would be reached by applying appropriate sources. Of these
sources, the Scriptures would be foremost. Besides the Scriptures, the contribution of
Ellen G. White relative to this concept, and the literature of the African writers of this
subject, shall be applied. Furthermore, the sociological writers of this topic outside
Africa, and the website resources pertaining to this topic would be consulted. Finally, a survey shall be done to the widows, and the clergy of the Abagusii community, to have
their input in regard to this notion. Additionally, an interview would be done to the
widows that would focus on which method of marriage proposed would they best
The conclusion of this study was based on two grand observations. The first one
is, the New Testament teaching regarding the marriage of the widows is based on God’s
original plan of marriage as it is depicted in the Old Testament book of Genesis. The
second one, is the result of the survey done indicates that most widows of the Abagusii
community besides the clergy are of the opinion that widows marry according to the
New Testament teaching relative to their marriage. Thus, as it were, always God’s
bidding has to be given precedence over any other humankind view. Furthermore, the
cry of those who feel the pinch should be foremost listened to.
From this standpoint, it is recommended that the Executive committees of
Nyamira and of South Kenya Conferences adopt the recommendations given by this
study, to let the widows in this region officially marry according to the New Testament
teaching pertaining to their marriage.